
When you need to write more complex conditions or expressions than is possible with just the COGS UI tools, you need to drop down to using “custom code”.

Anywhere where it’s possible to use custom code, when you switch away from the UI based template, the custom code input will be populated with the expression that was being used under the hood when using the UI tools. This is a good way to get started in understanding how to write expressions:



Version Expression
4.0 → pre_show.in_progress Show is in "pre-show"
4.11 → scene.variables.score.value * 10 The player’s score x 10
4.11 → !this.value Invert on/off value

Conditions vs Expression Values

In COGS land we refer to all these “custom code” snippets as expressions, but there are two main places they can be used which have slightly different uses.


When writing expressions in the WHEN of a behaviour, or the condition section of an IF/THEN/OTHERWISE or a LOOP then these are conditions. The aim is to write an expression which will return true or false. In the case of a WHEN condition, the behaviour will run when the condition returns true but was previously false.

Expression Values

When writing expressions to display as values (such as in a scene dashboard widget), then the aim is to write an expression that returns a value of the correct type. e.g. for a “Text widget” on a dashboard, the expression should return a string type.

JEXL Expression Language

COGS expressions are written in the JEXL expression language, which is based on Javascript syntax.


This supports many of the standard operators common to many programming languages and more, e.g.

JEXL Operators
Symbol Description Examples Result
! Negate !true false
+ Add numbers
Concat strings
1 + 2 + 3
"hello" + " " + "world"
"hello world"
- Subtract 5 - 3 2
* Multiply 5 * 9 45
/ Divide 27 / 4 6.75
// Divide and floor 27 // 4 6
% Modulus 27 % 4 3
^ Power of 2 ^ 10 1024
&& Logical AND true && true && false false
|| Logical OR true || false || false true
== Equal "hello" == "HELLO" false
!= Not equal "hello" != "HELLO" true
> Greater than 3 > 2
"abc" > "abd"
>= Greater than or equal 3 >= 2
"abc" >= "abd"
< Less than 3 < 2
"abc" < "abd"
<= Less than or equal 3 >= 2
"abc" <= "abd"
in Item is in array or string "Yellow" in ["Red", "Green", "Blue"]
"car" in "scarper"


Version Function Description
4.7 → random() A random number between 0 and 1
4.12 → now() The current time in UTC milliseconds

Expression Context

When writing an expression, COGS makes a context available which allows you to refer to things like channels and scene variables inside your expressions. What exactly is available is tied to the context, e.g. if it’s in a "Scene" behaviour you have access to scene with the current scene's context.

Version Value Type Description Availability
4.7 → this User Value The value being set When updating a value
pre_show.in_progress Boolean True if currently in pre-show
4.11 →
→ 4.10
User Value The current value of channel KEY
4.11 →
→ 4.10
Boolean, String, or Number Config Value of KEY for device NAME (Only custom Media Master)
4.11 →
→ 4.10
User Value or {} Event value of KEY received from device NAME (Only custom Media Master)
4.12 → devices.NAME.state.KEY User Value Value of state with KEY sent to device NAME (Only custom Media Master)
5.4 → devices.NAME.connected Boolean Whether the device NAME is currently connected to COGS
4.7 → audio.FILE.playing Array of Media Locations An array of outputs the audio FILE is playing on
e.g. ["local:audio_player", "remote:My Speaker"]
4.7 → audio.FILE.paused Array of Media Locations An array of outputs the audio FILE is paused on
4.7 → audio.FILE.stopped Array of Media Locations An array of outputs the audio FILE is not playing on
4.7 → video.FILE.playing Array of Media Locations An array of outputs the video FILE is playing on
e.g. ["local:audio_player", "remote:My Screen"]
4.7 → video.FILE.paused Array of Media Locations An array of outputs the video FILE is paused on
4.7 → video.FILE.stopped Array of Media Locations An array of outputs the video FILE is not playing on
4.9 → osc.message.address String Address of the OSC message received
e.g. "/foo/bar"
4.9 → osc.message.arguments Array of number, string, or boolean Arguments of the OSC message received at the address
e.g. ["one", 2]
4.11 → plugins.ID.config.KEY User Value Config value of KEY for plugin with ID Custom plugin enabled
4.11 → plugins.ID.event.KEY User Value or {} Event value of KEY received from plugin with ID Custom plugin enabled
Plugin event received
4.12 → plugins.ID.state.KEY User Value Value of state with KEY sent to plugin with ID Custom plugin enabled
5.0 → midi.commands.note_off 8 Number constant of the "note off" MIDI command. MIDI plugin enabled
5.0 → midi.commands.note_on 9 Number constant of the "note on" MIDI command. MIDI plugin enabled
5.0 → midi.commands.key_pressure 10 Number constant of the "key pressure" MIDI command. MIDI plugin enabled
5.0 → midi.commands.control_change 11 Number constant of the "control change" MIDI command. MIDI plugin enabled
5.0 → midi.commands.program_change 12 Number constant of the "program change" MIDI command. MIDI plugin enabled
5.0 → midi.commands.channel_pressure 13 Number constant of the "channel pressure" MIDI command. MIDI plugin enabled
5.0 → midi.commands.pitch_bend 14 Number constant of the "pitch bend" MIDI command. MIDI plugin enabled
5.0 → midi.message.device_id String The ID of the MIDI input device which we have received a message from MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
5.0 → midi.message.type "channel", "sysex", or "system" Type of MIDI message that has been received MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
5.0 → midi.message.command Number The command number for the message that has ben received. Can be compared with the number constants in midi.commands. 8 to 14 for "channel", 240 for "sysex", and 244 to 255 for "system" MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
5.0 → midi.message.data Array of Numbers Data for the MIDI message that has been received. What these mean will change based on the command and type MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
5.0 → midi.message.channel_number Number Only given when midi.message.type is "channel". Number from 1 to 16 MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
5.0 → midi.message.channel_index Number Only given when midi.message.type is "channel". Number from 0 to 15 MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
5.0 → midi.message.manufacturer_id Array of Numbers Only given when midi.message.type is "sysex". Is an array of either 1 or 3 numbers which identifies the manufacturer of the system extension MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
5.0 → midi.message.is_msc Boolean Only given when midi.message.type is "sysex". Will be true when the message is detected as being an MSC message MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
5.0 → midi.message.raw Array of Numbers The raw bytes of the entire MIDI message received MIDI plugin enabled
MIDI message received
4.13.6 → timer.duration Number Total duration in ms of the timer configured in the Timer plugin Timer plugin enabled
4.13.6 → timer.remaining Number Time in ms remaining on the timer
Cannot be used to trigger a behaviour
Timer plugin enabled
5.0 → zigbee.devices.NAME.address String The network address of the Zigbee device for device NAME Zigbee plugin enabled
5.0 → zigbee.devices.NAME.state.KEY Boolean, String, or Number The value of state with KEY for Zigbee device NAME Zigbee plugin enabled
5.0 → zigbee.devices.NAME.action String The action just received for Zigbee device NAME Zigbee plugin enabled
Zigbee action received
4.12 → show.time_elapsed Number Time in ms since the show started
Cannot be used to trigger a behaviour
show.in_progress Boolean True if currently in a show Show
show.finished Boolean True if currently finished show Show
show.cancelled Boolean True if currently cancelled show Show
show.variables.KEY User Value The show variable KEY Show
show.values.KEY Return value of expression Current value of show value KEY Show
4.13 → scenes.NAME.* See scene.* below Refers to another scene in the project with NAME Show
scene.in_progress Boolean True if scene is in progress Scene
scene.finished Boolean True if scene is finished Scene
scene.skipped Boolean True if scene is skipped Scene
scene.cancelled Boolean True if scene is cancelled Scene
scene.variables.KEY User Value The value of scene variable KEY Scene
scene.values.KEY Return value of expression Current value of scene value KEY Scene
5.6 → when.* Expression Context The expression context when the “WHEN” condition of the behaviour was triggered. See below for details. Behaviour actions

when Context

In behaviour actions, the expression context for when a behaviour was triggered is available to the actions that run within that behaviour, prefixed with when..

For example, if you have a behaviour which is triggered when an OSC message is received, you can access the OSC message inside the behaviour actions with when.osc.message.*.

when. is only available inside behaviour actions (anything after the "DO..."). when. is not available inside the behaviour trigger condition (the "WHEN...") or for computed values.


Transforms allow you to modify the values you are using in an expression in some useful way. These operate on arrays of values, for example to determine the length of the array or maximum value in the array.

Version Transform Description Example Result
length The length of the array [1,2,3] | length 3
min The lowest number in the array [1,2,3] | min 1
max The highest number in the array [1,2,3] | max 3
count(value) How many items of given value are in the array [1,1,2,3,1] | count(1) 3
all(value) Do all the values in the array match the given value [1,2,3,4] | all(1) false
any(value) Do any of the values in the array match the given value [1,2,3,4] | any(1) true
4.7 → pickRandom Pick a random item from an array ["A","B","C"] | pickRandom "A", "B" or "C"
4.11 → randomValue Pick a random value for the given User Value this | randomValue Any valid value
4.11 → randomValue({ differentValue: true }) The same as randomValue but chooses a value that is not the current value this | randomValue({ differentValue: true }} Any valid value
4.7 → round Round a number to the nearest whole number 1.6 | round 2
4.7 → floor Round a number down to a whole number 1.6 | floor 1
4.7 → ceil Round a number up to a whole number 1.4 | ceil 2
5.2 → abs Convert a number to its absolute value -2 | abs 2
4.9 → matchesOscAddress(pattern) Match the OSC address pattern "/foo/1" | matchesOscAddress("/foo/[0-9]") true
5.4 → toJSON Encode the data to a JSON string { foo: "bar" } | toJSON '{"foo":"bar"}'
5.4 → fromJSON Decode the data from a JSON string '{ "foo": "bar" }' | fromJSON {foo:"bar"}

User Values

COGS 4.11 introduces a more detailed value type for variables and channel values, allowing you to access metadata about the expected value.

COGS 4.10 and lower represents these values as either a string, number, or boolean value.


Key Required Value
type "boolean"
value Boolean value


Key Required Value
type "string"
value String value


Key Required Value
type "number"
value Number value
min 𐄂 Minimum allowed value (inclusive)
max 𐄂 Maximum allowed value (inclusive)
integer 𐄂 true if only whole numbers are allowed, otherwise false

Option List

Key Required Value
type "option"
options Array of all possible string values
value String value, always one of options

Media Locations

Media locations are strings that represent the local machine or a Media Master.

Local audio output is represented as local:audio_player.
Remote media outputs are represented as remote:NAME where NAME is the name you have given the Media Master.