What is a Plugin?

COGS Plugins can be loaded into COGS to integrate with other systems, or can even be used to display custom web content on a COGS Media Master.

Contents of a COGS Plugin

A COGS plugin is a folder in the plugins or client_content directory of a COGS Project. The plugin directory name is the ID of the plugin (e.g. dog.clockwork.http) and contains:

You can use the @clockworkdog/cogs-client-react-lib React library to create your plugin content with React or, better yet, use the @clockworkdog/cogs-client Create React App template to get up and running quickly.


We recommend that you do not rely on loading content over the internet for maximum reliability. This means your content will load correctly and quickly even when internet connectivity at your venue is not perfect. You should include all CSS, fonts, Javascript, etc in your plugin.

How to use with frontend tools

Create React App

  1. Create a project with create-react-app as usual
    yarn create react-app my-react-plugin --template typescript
  2. Set homepage to ./ in package.json so the content can be hosted at in a subfolder:
      "homepage": "./",
  3. Add a cogs-plugin-manifest.js file to the src folder as described above
  4. Symlink public/cogs-plugin-manifest.js to src/cogs-plugin-manifest.json so that it is included in the build output:
    # macOS / Linux
    ln -s ../src/cogs-plugin-manifest.json public/cogs-plugin-manifest.js
    # Windows
    mklink /H public\cogs-plugin-manifest.js src\cogs-plugin-manifest.js
  5. Follow the instructions to add @clockworkdog/cogs-client-react to your project.


  1. Create a project with Vite as usual

    yarn create vite my-vite-plugin --template vanilla-ts
    // OR
    yarn create vite my-vite-plugin --template react-ts
  2. Add a polyfill for global by adding the following to index.html.

      if (global === undefined) {
        var global = window;
  3. Set base to ./ in vite.config.ts so the content can be hosted at in a subfolder:

    import { defineConfig } from "vite";
    export default defineConfig({
      base: "./",
  4. Add the following options to tsconfig.js to support importing cogs-plugin-manifest.js:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "checkJs": true,
        "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true
  5. Add a cogs-plugin-manifest.js file to the src folder as described above

  6. Symlink public/cogs-plugin-manifest.js to src/cogs-plugin-manifest.json so that it is included in the build output:

    # macOS / Linux
    ln -s ../src/cogs-plugin-manifest.json public/cogs-plugin-manifest.js
    # Windows
    mklink /H public\cogs-plugin-manifest.js src\cogs-plugin-manifest.js
  7. Follow the instructions to add @clockworkdog/cogs-client or the instructions to add @clockworkdog/cogs-client-react to your project.